Thursday, October 23, 2014

Random things to inspire: A page of Awesomeness!

by Lara Sanderson
Taking inspiration for this post from Hank and John Green's (of Vlogbrothers and The Fault in Our Stars fame among other things)  motto of their organised geekdom Nerdfighters "Don't Forget To Be Awesome" (or DFTBA). This post is all about the awesome! Especially for those times when you need a wee pick me up at the 3 o'clock crunch you might like to take a look at something from a 1000 awesome things! 

Its a blog that makes you ponder all those little things that make life a little bit more awesome which can be difficult to see when you elbow deep in data, marking, or that reading pile you keep meaning to get through.It reminds me that awesome doesn't have to be that big, bright, and sparkly moment that spells it out!
A few of my favourites include 101 
Number 41 "doin' the Fonz" is a go to method for those pesky technology moments! My last favourite thing number 671 So, what was awesome in your world today? Don't forget to be awesome
 More awesomeness ahead...TED talks.I don't really need to say more, as many people now have discovered how wonderful and awesome TED talks are...I often have them playing in the background, ones that are directly related to my topic, while I am writing. Personally I have found inspiration in many so  I thought I would put a list of randomly interesting ones  - I have tried to keep them non topic specific, so that you may take inspiration where you find it! In no particular order 1. Brene Brown Susan Colantuono Sue Austin  4. Isabelle Allende 5. And because it has its own awesome scale! Do you have favourites not on this small list?  Put your ones in the comments to share with and inspire us!   


  1. #41 The Fonz is the ultimate IT solution - the so-called 'hard reset'?

    My favourite TED talks are those by Sir Ken Robinson, especially which is the first of his talks I discovered. His latest is also great where he talks about encouraging children with a climate of possibility.

  2. Ken Robinson ones are especially great - have you tried some off the beaten track ones lately? Sometimes I random play and come up with gems that just stunning :)

  3. I tend to stumble across new ones via the TED facebook page. Latest suggestion is great

  4. TED on twitter is also a good way of getting the best - also TED Ed is interesting resource for training teachers with cool animated clips
