Thursday, May 26, 2016

Community Post: Writing with a view

with Megan Anakin, Tracy Rogers, Kate McAnelly, Sylvia Robertson and Lara Sanderson 

This community post is all about the writing: Where we write, when we write; the frustrating, wonderful, dizzying act of academic writing that connects all of us as postgrads. Not long after we began this community post an interest in academic work spaces popped up on twitter with the hashtags: #phddesk and #sociologicaldesk. So where do you write? Post us a picture and tell us about your favourite spot to write or use the #phddesk hashtag and tweet it to us @PgLives

Photo: Megan Anakin

I’m an early riser so I can write to the rhythm of the dawn sunrise ~ Megan Anakin 

Photo: Tracy Rogers

I would describe myself as a restless, but regular daily writer. I either write standing up at my DIY stand-up office desk, or when I need to edit my work I head to the Staff Club cafĂ© armed with pen, paper, and caffeine. And occasionally, I will stay home like I did today and spread out at the kitchen table, compiling my thoughts and finalising paragraphs ~ Tracy Rogers 

Photo: Kate McAnelly
This is the underwhelming spot where I do most of my writing - sitting on top of my bed. I don't have office space either here at home or at college (being that I'm doing a MEd), so to escape the noise of busy family life I often have to retreat here. It's not ideal but I usually get the peace and quiet I need to focus on the task at hand, which at the moment is The Dissertation (due 20/2/2017, thanks for the daily reminder Blackboard!). 
 ~ Kate McAnelly 

Photo: Sylvia Robertson
 I have written my PhD in
cars, hotel rooms, planes, at home, in libraries,
while visiting other unis, at conferences, and while looking after family
but mostly in my office
where like a seed
ideas germinate
given warmth, light and liquid.  ~Sylvia Robertson
Photo: Lara Sanderson

As the waters of the Leith snake towards and behind me, flowing always back to the sea I sit and contemplate what my thesis could, would and will be! ~ Lara Sanderson

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